

Second is a command-line interpreter (CLI), developed for Windows. Second is free and open-source. It was developed by CPythonist from Infinite, Inc. (me). It was inspired by the command-line utility that comes in-built with Windows, cmd.exe. Second is very similar to cmd.exe. Second offers basic functionality of cmd.exe but advanced features are not available. Second was developed by me as a hobby and to understand Python better. I had a lot of help from the internet, especially Stack Overflow. Second was made possible by the help offered by other programmers on the internet. I thank them and the various websites that made it possible for me to complete this project. Second documentation is published on this website, whereas the source code is published on both GitHub and this website. Please see below for the documentation and source code.

Pre-release   1.0   2.0   3.0   4.0
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